Democracy in Egypt
The revolution that's happening in Egypt is very important to many of us.The people are trying to overthrow their government because of political and social issues for the past few decades the they have no rights and have had enough. They are overthrowing their president Hosi Mubrak because he's not doing his job as a leader to maintain his country.They are not happy hes not giving them the resources that they need in order to survive. The president Hosi of Egypt so far hasn't done his job and this country is so currupted because their own military has turned against their own people and they are killing each-other as if they are having war with another country. President Hosi Mubarack is depriving his people of many rights they should have and it's not right because that's why he is in the position he's on now. These people want freedom that they've barely had. The Egyptian people would like to have a democratic government but the president hasn't allowed it and that's why they have no voice when it come's to electing a new president. If Egyptians had the kind of democratic government the United States have they would have the same rights and privilege. They would also have the bill of rights to protect their natural rights against factors like what they've been dealing with. Egyptian government has concentrated on other things irrelevant to their people's right's and needs, so the people started to communicate with their friends and other people from other countries about these problems and people who protested got bigger and the became an army bigger than their government. This democratic issue is so serious that people in Egypt cant even have their freedom of speech rights because they get beat or even arrested. Woman started taking there Niqab off , this was a face covering scarf that woman would have to wear because of there religion and hey were only allowed to take it of in their house. But woman's respect for their region dropped because the government also started to harass and molest these woman. The Egyptian government were recently talking about fixing their constitution and making it so that men would only be in there government and they didn't inlcude women at all, which was kind of absurd so a woman named Hassan Wassef complained about this in THE NEW YORKER newspaper she talked about how the government is abusing the woman's rights and they are leaving them out on everything.
In my opinion on this democratic issue is that a government that doesn't provide the right structure for their people in order for the government to be happy and the people , they should be overthrown because no body wants to be ruled by a president who doesn't even provide rights of some sort to his people. I understand the religious practices that they have but if they respect that so much why cant they respect woman's rights? If they expect women to wear their Niquab to show them respect for their country and their religion why can't the government stop harassing the women and give them their freedom as equal as the men's rights? lastly I think the Egyptian government will be better of without president Hosi Mubarak because he didn't serve his people well and they have enough reason to overthrow someone like him.